My First Sci-Fi Novel Will Arrive in 2025 from Enclave Publishing

Today this fantastical publisher announced the news I’ve waited to disclose since this year began.
on Apr 23, 2024 · Series:

My first novel is a science fiction adventure that will arrive spring 2025 from Enclave Publishing.

Today this fantastical publisher announced the news I’ve waited to disclose since I signed the contract in January.

Next year they will launch this title in hardcover. Digital. Audiobook. The works.

  • Title? Can’t yet reveal that.
  • Cover? Still in the sketch phase.
  • Release date? First quarter of 2025.
  • Synopsis? That’s also top secret. And yet …

Here’s the quote that appeared moments ago in the Enclave Publishing newsletter. (Sign up and get a free digital copy of Lindsay A. Franklin’s fantasy The Story Peddler!)

For most of my life I’ve explored biblical truth and fantastic imagination. Now here comes the plot twist! All along I’ve also been saving ideas for my own story. Like a certain grand ship, it’s been waiting in the hangar for system repairs, extra hull polish, and just the right moment for launch. Now I’m blessed to work with the fantastic Enclave crew on this mission that may fulfill the dream of one family exiled to a dead world—and even save their Church of the future.

Naturally, I’ve upgraded with new concept art and a new landscape.

Subscribe free at to join the mission. (It’s a sign-up separate from Lorehaven.) Then watch this space for further updates!

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, a science-fiction adventure, launches in 2025 from Enclave Publishing.
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  2. […] what “side” they’re on. And I’m joining the sci-fi side, partly because my first novel (for adult readers) releases next year about the first missionaries in space. So perhaps, if fantasy ideas and monsters are not healthy for your son (at least not yet), he […]

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