Updated: This Fall, I’ll Teach On Pop Culture and Fantasy at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

As the release draws nigh for The Pop Culture Parent,1 I can confirm another announcement.
First, I’m on faculty at this year’s Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference:
November 15–19, 20202
1 Ridgecrest Dr.
Black Mountain, North Carolina
Second, I’m also teaching three different workshops. Each one is suitable for Christian writers at any development stage:
Putting Pop Culture In Its Place
When TV and internet disrupt your writing, start redeeming these gifts.
You’re trying to hit your writing goals. But that smartphone won’t hush and your favorite TV drama just dropped new episodes. What’s a Christian author to do? Come learn the biblical purpose of popular culture. Seek its beauties. Smash its idols. And start redeeming this corrupted gift for God’s glory.
Seeking God’s Glories In Fantastic Stories
Explore how fantasy, sci-fi, and other fantastical stories uniquely glorify Jesus.
What’s the biblical purpose of fantastical fiction? How can we discern these stories’ graces and idolatries? And how can these stories serve the Church? Join us for a tour through God’s fantastical word, and explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ inspires our creation of fantastical stories for God’s glory.
Should Christian Fantasy Include Magic?
Explore fictional magic and its pros and cons for Christian fantasy authors.
Christian fantasy writers are often asked about biblical texts that warn against the occult, or readers who feel tempted. Come explore with grace and truth the nature of evil versus Christ’s power. We’ll discuss a Christian author’s responsibilities, and consider how best to love Christian family members who believe differently.
Register today at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference!
Visit the Blue Ridge Mountains in May for an inspiring week of writing, encouragement and inspiration.
The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference began nearly four-decades ago as a spirit-filled environment where writers could move forward in their writing journey and publishing dreams. The legacy event is focused on God’s path for each writer, and the conference is dedicated to meeting professional and spiritual needs.
The goal is for each attendee to hear from God—direction and encouragement to pursue His path. We understand the difficulties. The publishing journey isn’t a day trip but a climb toward excellence. Many of us have gotten lost—miserably. Our objective is for no writer to be left stranded on a cliff with nowhere to turn. We can’t guarantee a smooth path every step of the way, but we can show you how to avoid many of the obstacles.
Explore more at the official conference website.
Updated: Other events
I’ve also been invited to participate at:
- NEW: Teach Them Diligently, dates pending, virtual conference
- Pending: Florida Parent Educators Association, May 21–23, Orlando, Fla., with Realm Makers Bookstore
- Updated: SoCal Christian Writers Conference (now virtual), July 9–11, Azusa Pacific University, on faculty
- Realm Makers, July 16–18, Atlantic City, New Jersey
I would love to meet you at any of these events. If you plan on being in the neighborhood, comment below and we’ll connect!
- The Pop Culture Parent: Helping Kids Engage Their World for Christ releases
May 4,Sept. 7, 2020 from Ted Turnau, myself, and Jared Moore by way of New Growth Press. You can preorder the book here. ↩ - “A wizard is never late, nor is he early”—except when a plague festers in the heart of Middle-earth. Original information: “May 24, 2020—May 28, 2020 November 15–19, 2020 / (followed by special post-conference on May 29) . ↩
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