Realm Makers Bookstore, March 2019: This Is the Greatest Show

Here come more photos from our fantastic weekend at Realm Makers Bookstore in Fort Worth.
on Mar 11, 2019 · 1 reply

Continuing from Friday, here come more photos from our fantastic weekend at Realm Makers Bookstore in Fort Worth!

We hosted the bookstore March 7 through 9 at Great Homeschool Convention.

Gillian Bronte Adams (The SongKeeper Chronicles series) signs another copy of Orphan’s Song for a fan. We wrote: “A classic medieval fantasy setting populated with archetypes that somehow feel fresh and vigorous.” (Get the full review exclusively from Lorehaven.)


I met an old acquaintance from Joshua Casey, otherwise known as “PeterPevensie”!



“Studies show that having a WEIRD MOM builds character.”


At our booth neighbor, Rabbit Room, I met novelist Jonathan Rogers (The Charlatan’s Boy, The WilderKing Trilogy). Rogers has written two articles (this one, and this one) for Speculative Faith.


I met novelist N. D. Wilson! He’s written young-adult fantasy such as the 100 Cupboards series and Outlaws of Time. He also writes doctrine-beauty nonfiction titles like Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl. Later, he stopped by the Realm Makers booth to explore our many similar fantastical titles.


Rebecca P. Minor sketches some kawaii unicorns . . .


Many fans picked up Orphan’s Song and the rest of The SongKeeper Chronicles series from author Gillian Bronte Adams.


Gillian Bronte Adams chats with one of our Realm Makers Bookstore visitors.


From left: fantasy novelists Claire Banschbach (The Rise of Aredor series, The Faeries of Myrnius series), Mollie E. Reeder (The Electrical Menagerie), and Gillilan Bronte Adams (The SongKeeper Chronicles series).


Our Lorehaven Magazine reviewer enjoyed Mollie E. Reeder’s novel The Electrical Menagerie. We wrote: “. . . Magicians’ rivalries are backlit by murder, and the characters, scenery, and action are so well-drawn that the experience of reading this novel feels more like watching a movie.” (Get the full review exclusively from Lorehaven with a free subscription.)


Our two pioneering Realm Makers themselves: Rebecca P. Minor and Scott Minor.


This little girl loved the two figurines (Martin Luther and a Christian soldier) featured in the Lorehaven Magazine area.

Later this month, Realm Makers Bookstore heads to Greenville, South Carolina, from March 21 to 23. The bookstore then visits Nashville from March 28 to 30. Next month, the bookstore will feature at Great Homeschool Convention’s event in Cincinnati.

If you’re in the area, head for the Duke Energy Convention Center! The conference runs from Thursday, April 25 through Saturday, April 27.

Or, you can order books any time from the website. They list Christian-made fantasy and sci-fi titles from more than sixty Christian authors—including many we’ve positively reviewed in Lorehaven Magazine.

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launches in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing.

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