Lorehaven’s Spring 2019 Issue Arrives Tuesday, March 26!

Subscribers can download Lorehaven magazine’s spring 2019 issue this Tuesday, exclusively at Lorehaven.com.
I publish the magazine and serve as its editor in chief.
For each issue, we keep finding even better novels by Christian authors.
Each novel shares a fantastical genre tale in fantasy, science fiction, and beyond.
Our review team loves finding great stories. We emphasize fair yet positive reviews, which match the best stories with the readers who will most enjoy them.
Lorehaven serves Christian fans by finding biblical truth in fantastic stories. Book clubs, free webzines, and a web-based community offer flash reviews, articles, and news about Christian fantasy, science fiction, and other fantastical genres. Magazine print copies are available by request and at special events.
Here’s a preview of Lorehaven’s spring 2019 issue:
Captain’s Log
E. Stephen Burnett
Young fans are slowly guiding Christian fiction toward fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.
Book Reviews
Lorehaven review team
Explore twelve new fantastical novels from Christian authors.
Sponsored Review: Outbreak
Lorehaven review team
Outbreak will doubtless thrill readers who enjoy a good zombie yarn.
Sponsored Review: The Reluctant Disciple
Lorehaven review team
The Reluctant Disciple tours popular thematic attractions via disquieting paths.
Featured Review: The Line Between
Lorehaven review team
Tosca Lee’s thriller quests toward truth among apocalyptic madness.
‘Come With Me! I Have A Story To Tell You’
Interview with novelist Tosca Lee
In Tosca Lee’s fictional worlds, heroines find new identities of grace.
Fanservants: How to Geek Out with Godly Purpose
Paeter Frandsen
Does our investment in stories build the kingdom or waste our gifts?
Fanservants: ‘When I Grow Up, I’m Going to Be the Villain’
Marian Jacobs
Should parents make their kids only play as heroes and good guys?
Get more details, including a complete list of the books we’ve reviewed, at Speculative Faith.
Subscribe for free only at Lorehaven.com and download the issue Tuesday, March 26!
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