ACE Crew: Want to Help Reveal the Above the Circle of Earth Novel Cover?

Good morning!
‘Tis morning for me, anyway. As the ACE crew increases, its support will go global …
After Thursday, Sept. 5, we will see more crew members, and even more before my first novel’s March 2025 launch. After all, as of today, that Above the Circle of Earth cover reveal is only three weeks from now. And I will tell you—after many years, off and on, imagining this story, that seeing the novel cover is a wonderfully surreal experience.
This is the part where I start recruiting official members of the cover reveal crew and the novel launch team. For that, we need an official recruitment form:
If you follow me on social media, you can also hit Like on my shares for the ACE crew form: on Facebook, Instagram, and XTwitter. (I can also be sure to follow you.)
With that, I’m heading back into website upgrades, plus related project design, Lorehaven edits, and podcast planning. By the way, don’t miss our latest episode, 225. Why Do Modern Fans Love Middle-Earth Mixing? | with Evan Cooney. Listeners have loved sharing their stories about how they, too, discovered the wonders of Middle-earth.
Which leads me to wonder: how did you discover science fiction? Share your own story below!
Godspeed and #GoTherefore!
Share your thoughts, faithful reader (and stay wholesome!)