I Just Signed with New Growth Press for a Book Releasing Next Year

This week, I signed a contract for my first book.
This work of nonfiction will release next year, 2020, from New Growth Press.
Our title is technically pending. Yet I can say that the book explores this question:
How can gospel-centered Christians raise their children to engage popular culture, to glorify God, serve in the church, and connect with our neighbors?
I’m joined by two coauthors, Ted Turnau and Jared Moore.
Ted Turnau wrote the book Popologetics and teaches in the Czech Republic.
Hey everybody! Big news. We just signed with @newgrowthpress to do a book about how to engage popular culture with kids and teens! I, @EStephenBurnett, and @jaredhmoore are excited about finally getting this resource into the hands of parents and youth/children’s workers!
— Ted Turnau (@TedTurnau) May 11, 2019
Jared Moore pastors a church and cohosts the Pop Culture Coram Deo podcast.
I’m excited to announce that I just signed a contract with @newgrowthpress to publish a book on parents engaging pop culture with their young children & teenagers. I’m writing with co-authors @EStephenBurnett & @TedTurnau. Look for it in May-June of 2020.
— Jared Moore (@jaredhmoore) May 11, 2019
Indeed, we look forward to sharing this book with Christian parents and leaders, to help equip families and churches.
Many great articles, books, and podcasts already help Christians explore popular culture. Yet this may be the first book of its kind to help Christian grown-ups engage popular culture with their children, finding a popular cultural work’s common graces and idols. Best of all, we explore how to know and teach how Jesus alone perfectly fulfills the good “promises” that no story could ever fulfill.1
From my new publisher’s website:
New Growth Press (NGP) is a growing Christian publisher, producing a wide variety of gospel-centered resources for individuals, families, and churches. NGP publishes books, minibooks, small group, and Gospel Story for Kids resources that provide churches, families, and individuals with gospel-driven publications for all ages.2
Please pray, and watch for more updates as we move into this publication journey.
- I model the book’s approach to cultural engagement, in part, in my May 10 article at Christ and Pop Culture: Avengers: Endgame Helps Us Behold an Epically Joyous Fantasy Apocalypse. ↩
- Last month at Teach Them Diligently in Waco, my wife, Lacy, and I found an amazing book called The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New. We already wanted this book. Then we saw the publisher’s name: New Growth Press. ↩
Congratulations 🙂
This is exciting. Did you get your car fixed yet?
Alas, that car likely can’t be fixed. Instead, we’ll purchase a new car. Feels a bit strange, getting a book contract and then going out the same week to buy a new car! That’s solely the Lord’s timing of events, and correlation does not imply causation.
Congratulations, Stephen. That is great news!
Very excited for this! As someone who has been reading your writing on Spec Faith and beyond since at least 2011, who admires the way you approach topics of Pop Culture and faith, and who respects your loving approach to your detractors, I cannot wait to see your writing in a book. All the best for this new project!
Thank you so much, Miriam! Alas that I only found your comment twenty-three days later. Just this afternoon I learned of our (on-paper) release date for the book, and I had to laugh. After all, this particular date should be of unique delight to Christian fantasy fans . . .
[…] I Just Signed with New Growth Press for a Book Releasing Next Year | E. Stephen Burnett, May 11 […]
[…] I Just Signed with New Growth Press for a Book Releasing Next Year | E. Stephen Burnett, May 11 […]
[…] I Just Signed with New Growth Press for a Book Releasing Next Year | E. Stephen Burnett, May 11 […]
[…] We loved meeting people at the Lorehaven magazine booth. Here we recruited free subscribers, sold copies, and shared about the magazine’s book reviews and advertising. Next year, we’ll have even more, likely including my book. […]
[…] structure-edited my first book— […]
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[…] My first published book is actually nonfiction (and with coauthors Ted Turnau and Jared Moore!). […]
[…] first book The Pop Culture Parent has a title and release […]