Join the ACE Offworld Launch Party 2 This Friday Night, March 7

Wow. Hi, everyone.
Stephen here, Lorehaven publisher, newly returned from a test flight.
Apart from a bad dashboard light and synthetic gravity failure, this flight went well!
Meanwhile, for many others, this week has gone overall well for landings and launches.
Yesterday, March 6, SpaceX caught its third reusable booster rocket, although another Starship was lost to the sky! Alas, poor Starship.
Just last Sunday, Firefly Aerospace dropped a lander on the moon. Intuitive Machines landed another lunar probe Thursday, but with one hitch.
Then, just Tuesday night, the U.S. president (yes, that chap!) called for an American flag to be planted on Mars.
That same day, we launched Above the Circle of Earth with quite the fanfare in the homeworld and offworld.
Tuesday night’s Offworld Launch Party 1 on Instagram Live was also fun, thanks to great fans, guest stars, and uplifting conversation. That made me wish to do more of those live moots, not just about my own novel but about all the Lorehaven mission. Which makes me ask: what would you like to see in Lorehaven live moots? Share your reply …
Of course, “Launch Party 1” already presupposes the existence of a sequel. Yes, we’re doing that, and in fact, it’s tonight.
ACE Offworld Launch Party 2
Friday, March 7, 9 p.m. Eastern (8 Central)
- this one’s on the Zoom platform
- BTS for the novel
- fantastical guests
- Q and A
- plus some secret developments(?) about how awesome Christian sci-fi can help us chart creative courses into a hostile culture with its new space race.
To get that Zoom signup link today (March 7), just subscribe to my emailing list for Space Mission updates plus future projects.
We’re also sending out that link to existing Lorehaven subscribers.
Hope to see you there, and Godspeed!
Share your thoughts, faithful reader (and stay wholesome!)