Above the Circle of Earth Arrives Tomorrow, March 4—Join the Launch Party!

Three … two … one …
Tomorrow my first novel Above the Circle of Earth (ACE), launches for readers everywhere.
The fight for the space mission begins in his homeworld.
This sci-fi adventure from Enclave Publishing and Oasis Audio rockets into elegant hardcover, convenient digital, and sterling audiobook editions.
Am I nervous? I don’t think so. Exhausted, yes. Excited, even more so. This story has spent a long time in drydock. Now it’s finally spaceworthy.
Already I’ve heard from so many readers thrilled and blessed by this story of Brock and Alicia Rivers, and their allies, fighting for this sacred mission.
Meanwhile, last week brought a very rough triple-threat from dog drama, website bots, and the Check Engine Light™. So I found myself needing that encouragement myself.
I’ve shared more about that on Instagram, and got a lot of prayer support. Naturally, I request more of that from anyone reading these words today.
How to support the ACE novel launch
1. Pray for this story and its creative partners.
We know the bad guys (spiritual and otherwise) don’t like excellent Christ-centered stories that inspire the heart as well as the mind.
To the extent that ACE can serve this purpose, it’ll need your prayer support. So, when you think of it, cast up one of those “arrow prayers”!
2. Purchase your own copy of Above the Circle of Earth.
If you missed the many free-copy chances, and/or want that elegant hardcover, now’s the time!
The novel is of course at Amazon. Yet it’s 20 percent less at my publisher, Enclave.
Right now (March 3, 2025) I see the Kindle version for $7.99. The audiobook now goes for $20.74 or one Audible credit.
3. If you love this novel, review it this week!
Years ago, I went on the record against “guilt trip” pleas to review books. Now I must abide by my own rules.
Therefore, just as I encouraged potential endorsers, I now encourage you. If you read ACE and enjoy this story, then please do review the title.
Goodreads reviews have already begun. Amazon reviews start tomorrow.
Or share your thoughts on the socials like Facebook, Instagram, and X. Do tag @estephenburnett on Facebook, on Instagram, or on X!
4. Join us for the first ACE Offworld Launch Party
We’ve had one Launch Party, yes. Friends, family, and fans celebrated in my own church’s fellowship hall just this Saturday.1 But what about second Launch Party?
ACE Offworld Launch Party 1
- Tuesday, March 4
- 7 p.m. (EST), 6 Central
- Instagram Live @estephenburnett
Together we shall enjoy:
- a real-world Space x Missions trivia contest
- battle between “hard” vs. “soft” sci-fi
- surprise fantastical guest appearances
- giveaways for ACE editions and more
- author Q and A (for fans, then writers)
- build your own Space Mission!
What’s next for the Space Mission?
In no particular order:
- The existence of ACE Offworld Launch Party 1 implies the existence of ACE Offworld Launch Party 2.
- So I’m also planning that, likely for a more interactive venue and possibly some spoiler discussion!
- I’m arranging items for the giveaways, plus writing content and preparing for interviews this month
- Meanwhile, I’ll interact with anyone I can. If it’s a quiet launch, that’s great. If it’s a loud launch, even better.
Right, I’m off then. Looking forward to hearing from you folks about this long-awaited debut.
Go therefore!
- Watch this space for more details this week about the now-concluded ACE Homeworld Launch Party. ↩
Share your thoughts, faithful reader (and stay wholesome!)